"Three pichwai artists painted Anant Ambani's Bundi jacket in 110 hours using 100 real gold leaves."
Pichwai painting is a traditional Indian art form that has its origins in Rajasthan's Nathdwara and is mostly connected to Lord Krishna worship.
Fashion fans around the world have learned a lot about Indian artisanry and workmanship from the Ambani wedding. The women of the Ambani family have mastered the art of needlework, from Bandhani to Kasheeda, Pichwai to Zardosi, and have not shied away from illuminating the rich legacy and artistry of Indian weavers.
That being said, the Ambani men were equally impressive. Anant Ambani looked dapper for his wedding wearing a custom-made, hand-painted crimson Bundi jacket by Manish Malhotra.
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