"Telangana officials call for increased hydel power output."
At a review meeting on the electricity sector, Bhatti stated that since the State's reservoirs were all full, the power officials ought to move to maximize power generation using hydel power plants.

Hyderabad: On Saturday, Energy Minister and Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka gave power officials instructions to maximize the amount of electricity produced by hydroelectric projects installed on the Krishna and Godavari rivers.
At a review meeting on the electricity sector, Bhatti stated that since the State's reservoirs were all full, the power officials ought to move to maximize power generation using hydel power plants. Officials were ordered to make sure that coal stocks were accessible in every plant in the State for a minimum of 17 days with regard to thermal power projects. Additionally, he requested that reports on the state and output of power plants be sent to him once a week by officials.
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