"Those who became arrogant were stopped at 241 by Lord Ram": RSS leader Indresh Kumar takes a jab at BJP

RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat's Remarks on Genuine 'Sevaks' and Humility Influence RSS Leader Indresh Kumar's Comment

"Those who became arrogant were stopped at 241 by Lord Ram": RSS leader Indresh Kumar takes a jab at BJP

Jaipur: RSS leader Indresh Kumar delivered pointed remarks on the Lok Sabha election results, criticizing the ruling BJP for its perceived arrogance and labeling the opposition INDIA bloc as "anti-Ram."

"The party that initially showed devotion but later turned arrogant was stopped at 241 seats, yet it emerged as the largest party," he commented, seemingly pointing to the BJP led by Narendra Modi, which secured 240 seats in the Lok Sabha.

"And those who lacked faith in Ram were collectively halted at 234 seats," he continued, evidently referring to the INDIA bloc.

"In a democratic setup, consider the principles akin to Ram Rajya; the party that initially revered Ram but later succumbed to arrogance emerged as the largest. However, their hubris thwarted them from garnering the votes and power they anticipated, as per divine will," he commented.

"None of those who opposed Ram were granted power; collectively, they were relegated to second place. God's justice is absolute and fulfilling," he asserted.

"Those who worship Ram should embody humility, whereas those who oppose Ram face consequences from the Lord himself," he emphasized.

He underscored that Lord Ram does not discriminate or inflict punishment. "Ram dispenses justice impartially, without causing sorrow. His benevolence is perpetual and unwavering. Lord Ram has always exemplified justice and will continue to do so," he affirmed.

Kumar also highlighted Lord Ram's role in protecting people and extending goodness, including to Ravana.

These statements echo RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat's recent assertion that genuine 'sevaks' serve with humility and uphold dignity in their service to the people.

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