The best Ayurvedic advice and strategies for staying healthy during the monsoon season

After severe heat waves, Ayurveda recommends special practices for the monsoon season, Varsha Ritu. A diet of warm, freshly cooked meals supports digestion.

The best Ayurvedic advice and strategies for staying healthy during the monsoon season

This monsoon season, individuals should think about Ayurveda after extreme heat waves around the nation. The monsoon season is known as Varsha Ritu in Ayurveda. For this season, one must adhere to Ritucharya. This season is ruled by the Mahabhuta (elements) of Agni (fire) and Prithvi (earth). The Jatharagni, or digestive fire, is weak and pitta issues arise in Varsha Ritu. The body's metabolic and digestive processes are weakened as a result. It is advised to adhere to an ideal diet that emphasizes warm, freshly cooked meals and discourages raw items in order to support healthy digestion during Varsha Ritu.

You may help your digestive system even more by adding items like ginger and lemon. In order to address health issues and support optimal health during these transitional periods, the doctors at CGH Earth Ayurveda treatment centers, Kalari Rasayana in Kollam and Kalari Kovilakom in Palakkad, concentrate on holistic and preventive treatments that take into account each individual's constitution, lifestyle, diet, and daily routines.

The body systems may become weaker during the monsoon season as a result of the accumulation of pitta dosha and the aggravation of vata dosha. Pitta dosha accumulation primarily affects the digestive system, leading to weakness and sluggishness, which in turn causes indigestion. Foods that can aggravate these doshas should be avoided. The taste of the monsoon season is amla, or sour. Foods with sour (amla) and salty (Lavana) flavors are recommended.

It is also possible to eat luscious and sweet cuisine. World-famous CGH Earth Experience wellbeing centers provide total body and mind wellbeing through Ayurvedic curative programmes. The programs are specifically designed for people who want to support their body's natural ability to adapt to seasonal changes and prevent imbalances that can prevent health issues. They do this through a combination of self-care practices such as guided therapy, yoga, and meditation, as well as principles such as adjusting and adopting a balanced diet that aids in the digestive process. The chief physician at Kalari Rasayana, Dr. Firoz Varun, explained the science by saying, "The monsoon, or rainy season, is also the most favorable time of the year for various Ayurvedic treatments."

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