Major Development: Quant Money Managers Approved to Acquire 9.98% Stake in RBL Bank!
Get the latest scoop on the finance world's breaking news! Quant Money Managers have received the green light from RBI to acquire up to 9.98% stake in RBL Bank. Dive into this exclusive update to understand the implications of this acquisition and its potential impact on both Quant Money Managers and RBL Bank.
Quant Money Managers gets RBI nod to acquire up to 9.98% in RBL Bank
Quant Money Managers has got the banking regulator's approval to acquire an aggregate holding of up to 9.98 per cent of the paid-up share capital or casting a ballot rights in RBL Bank inside May 12, 2025.
The stake can be gained through different plans of Quant Common Asset, an auxiliary of the venture the executives firm. As of May 10, Quant Cash held 4.68 percent of RBL Bank's value share capital.
The Save Bank of India allowed the endorsement in light of the application made by Quant Cash. A trade documenting by RBL Bank said the endorsement is dependent upon administrative endorsements.
"The aforementioned endorsement conceded by the Save Bank of India is dependent upon the circumstances referenced in that incorporating consistence with the important arrangements of the Financial Guideline Act, 1949, the Hold Bank of India's Lord Course and Rules on Procurement and Holding of Offers or Casting a ballot Rights in Financial Organizations dated January 16, 2023 (as corrected occasionally), arrangements of the Unfamiliar.
Trade The executives Act, 1999, guidelines gave by the Protections and Trade Leading body of India, and some other resolutions, guidelines and rules, as material," the recording noted Quant Common's stake in the confidential area loan specialist shouldn't increment past 9.98 percent of the settled up share capital or casting a ballot rights consistently.
Likewise, in the event that the total holding falls under 5%, earlier endorsement from the Save Bank of India will be expected to build it to 5 percent
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