Aviation Security Chief Recommends 5-Year Flying Ban For Hoax Bomb Callers

Airports, particularly those in metropolitan areas, have been dealing with hoax threats, which have caused passengers' annoyance and prompted authorities to conduct searches and evacuations.

Aviation Security Chief Recommends 5-Year Flying Ban For Hoax Bomb Callers

New Delhi: The Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS) has suggested a five-year flying ban for those responsible for the recent surge in hoax bomb threats against airports and airlines, which have frequently resulted in hours-long delays.
According to NDTV, Zulfiquar Hasan, Director General of BCAS, "tough action needs to be taken to deter pranksters" due to the rise in cases of bogus threats in recent months.

According to Mr. Hasan, six persons have been detained thus far for making fictitious bomb threats. Many more comparable cases are pending investigations, he said.
Airports, particularly those in metropolitan areas, have been dealing with hoax threats, which have caused passengers' annoyance and prompted authorities to conduct searches and evacuations.
Emails threatening bombs were received by 41 airports nationwide. yesterday and these were found to be hoax after thorough searches.

Among the airports that received the fictitious threats were those in Mumbai, Varanasi, Chennai, Patna, Nagpur, Jaipur, Vadodara, Coimbatore, and Jabalpur.

The news agency PTI stated that the emails that the airports received included the same message. "Hello, the airport is hiding explosives. The explosives will go off soon. Everyone will perish," the email declared.

Following the bogus threat, a flight from Chennai airport to Dubai was delayed for hours. Officials deemed the flight safe to take off after discovering nothing unusual about it.
Several airports received a similar bomb threat in April.
Last month, threat emails were also sent to Delhi's elite institutions. Over sixty hospitals and schools in Mumbai received emails threatening bomb attacks.

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