About App Campaigns for engagement

Google unveils its latest innovation: the App Spotlight feature aimed at re-engaging users with their installed apps. In this video, we explore how this feature works and its potential impact on user engagement. Join us as we delve into the details of Google's App Spotlight, providing insights into its functionality and benefits for app developers and users alike

About App Campaigns for engagement

Google's App Spotlight Feature: Re-Engage Users with Their Installed Apps

App Campaigns for engagement are designed to help app developers increase user engagement and retention. These campaigns allow developers to promote specific in-app actions or events, such as completing a level, making an in-app purchase, or signing up for a subscription. By targeting users who are more likely to engage with these actions, developers can optimize their campaigns to drive valuable interactions and ultimately improve the overall performance of their apps.

App Campaigns for engagement (ACe) are a powerful tool to re-engage users who have already installed your app and encourage them to take specific actions within the app. These campaigns can display ads across various Google platforms, including Google Search, YouTube, Google Play, and the Google Display Network, as well as within other apps.

Here's what you can achieve with ACe:

  1. Re-engage inactive users: Target users who haven't used your app for a while and encourage them to return.
  2. Target high-value users: Reach users who haven't made purchases or paid for services recently and encourage them to do so.
  3. Drive in-app purchases: Promote specific products or services within your app to drive sales.
  4. Reduce cart abandonment: Remind users who have items in their cart to complete the checkout process.
  5. Encourage app usage: Reach users who have installed your app but haven't opened or used it yet, and encourage them to start using it.
  6. Promote events or sales: Advertise live events or sales happening within your app to attract more users.

ACe campaigns can help improve customer retention, increase active users, drive sales, and reduce churn, ultimately leading to long-term revenue growth for your app.

Here's how ACe works:

  • Unlike traditional Google Ads campaigns, you don't need to design individual ads for ACe. Instead, provide text, images, videos, and budget information, and Google Ads will create and test different ad combinations automatically.
  • Your ads can appear across Google properties, including the Google Search Network, YouTube, Google Play, and the Google Display Network, as well as within other apps.
  • Google Ads will optimize where your ads are shown to maximize conversions at or below your target cost-per-action (target CPA) bid.

Campaign optimization and bidding:

  • Set higher bids for ACe campaigns compared to App Campaigns for installs, as in-app actions may generate more revenue than new app installs.
  • Calculate your bid based on the value of the in-app event you're promoting.
  • Set an appropriate conversion window to match your campaign goals and user behavior.

Keep in mind location and language targeting, as they can impact campaign effectiveness. Be cautious when narrowing down your audience, as it may reduce campaign reach.

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