UPSC Civil Services 2023 Result: PK Sidharth Ramkumar Achieves AIR 4

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) announced the Civil Services 2023 exam results on April 16. PK Sidharth Ramkumar secured All India Rank (AIR) 4. Sidharth, a University of Kerala Architecture graduate, is training at IPS Academy in Hyderabad. His father is retired, his mother is a homemaker, and his older brother is a lawyer at the Kerala High Court.

UPSC Civil Services 2023 Result: PK Sidharth Ramkumar Achieves AIR 4

UPSC Civil Services 2023 Result: PK Sidharth Ramkumar Achieves AIR 4

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) announced the Civil Services 2023 exam results on April 16. PK Sidharth Ramkumar secured All India Rank (AIR) 4.

Sidharth, a University of Kerala Architecture graduate, is training at IPS Academy in Hyderabad. His father is retired, his mother is a homemaker, and his older brother is a lawyer at the Kerala High Court.

Sidharth's family always believed in his potential, but he did not expect such a high rank.

Here are some excerpts from his interview:

Were you expecting a top rank?

Initially, I had modest expectations, hoping for a rank within a certain range. Securing AIR 4 was a pleasant surprise, surpassing my expectations. My dedication and focus were key factors in achieving this success.

The journey to a top rank required perseverance, resilience, and constant self-improvement. I concentrated on enhancing my mains, improving my notes, and adding value. Despite my efforts, I did not anticipate this high rank.

What made you choose UPSC?

My decision to take the UPSC exam was driven by a deep desire to serve my nation. The diverse opportunities in the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) aligned with my background in architecture and planning. The chance to contribute to policy-making, governance, and social development motivated me.

During my academic and professional experiences, I encountered various socio-economic issues. This inspired me to address these challenges at a systemic level. The UPSC exam was a pathway to create positive change and channel my passion for public service into meaningful actions.

How did your degree in architecture help you in UPSC?

Graduating in architecture provided a strong analytical foundation and a broad understanding of urban planning and development. This background was helpful in understanding governance, especially in infrastructure, urban management, and public policy. It also taught me disciplined problem-solving and critical thinking, which were valuable during UPSC preparation.

My home environment also supported my civil service preparation. My brother is a lawyer, and my father often discusses public issues. This fostered an interest in civil services.

My academic journey nurtured intellectual curiosity and a commitment to lifelong learning. These qualities were essential for navigating the extensive UPSC syllabus.

How was your UPSC interview round?

The UPSC interview was challenging and enriching. I felt confident in expressing my thoughts clearly and backing up my responses. A memorable question was to name 10 women who inspired me. I mentioned famous civil servants like Aruna Soundarajan and my mother.

The interview allowed me to demonstrate my knowledge, interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence, and leadership qualities. Overall, I was satisfied with the interview.

This was your fifth attempt at UPSC Civil Services. What changes did you make in your preparation strategy this time?

Reflecting on my past attempts, I identified areas for improvement and adjusted my strategy. I enhanced my answer writing skills, stayed updated with current affairs, and adopted a more nuanced approach to optional subjects. Despite some apprehension about the outcome, I remained committed and resilient.

To stay informed, I used various sources. Initially, I followed DNS on YouTube through Rau’s IAS Study Circle for current affairs updates. I also used their magazines and other sources for news.

Recently, I started reading newspapers like The Indian Express and The Hindu. They offer comprehensive coverage of political, judicial, and societal issues important for UPSC preparation. The Explained Page by The Indian Express was particularly helpful.

What are your plans now? Which key areas are you looking forward to in your service?

I am eager to face the diverse challenges and opportunities in the civil service. My main goal is to serve with integrity, empathy, and effectiveness, focusing on inclusive governance, sustainable development, and social welfare. I want to leverage technology and innovation to improve service delivery, promote transparency, and empower marginalized communities.

I aim to address societal issues such as poverty, environmental conservation, and gender equality. By collaborating with stakeholders, facilitating participatory decision-making, and supporting evidence-based policies, I hope to make a significant difference and contribute to a more equitable society.

What is your advice to students appearing for the UPSC Civil Services Prelims next month?

To UPSC aspirants, I emphasize perseverance, resilience, and strategic preparation. Understand socio-political issues, stay updated with current affairs, and develop critical thinking and analytical skills. Maintain a balanced approach, prioritize self-care, and seek guidance from mentors and peers. Success in UPSC requires academic proficiency, integrity, ethical conduct, and a passion for public service.

Cultivate a growth mindset, see failure as a step to success, and remain adaptable. Approach preparation with dedication and discipline, but also keep perspective and humility.

Ultimately, the UPSC journey is about embracing a noble calling to serve the nation and positively impact millions of lives.

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