Do you have these symptoms along with sudden weight loss? Just like in danger.. Take care
The liver is one of the main organs of the body. Keeping it healthy at all times is very good for the body as a whole. If so.. Liver problems are on the rise in the current times. Liver cirrhosis is one of them. The liver is one of the most serious problems. The main cause of liver cirrhosis is habits such as hepatitis or chronic drinking.

The liver is one of the main organs of the body. Keeping it healthy at all times is very good for the body as a whole. If so.. Liver problems are on the rise in the current times. Liver cirrhosis is one of them. The liver is one of the most serious problems. The main cause of liver cirrhosis is habits such as hepatitis or chronic drinking. If so.. One should never neglect liver-related diseases. At the beginning of liver cirrhosis, patients may experience fatigue, weakness, and weight loss. In the later stages, patients may develop conditions such as jaundice (yellowing of the skin), gastrointestinal bleeding, abdominal inflammation, irritability, confusion, hypertension, etc. How to identify liver cirrhosis? What are the symptoms in the beginning? Find out the details.
Symptoms of liver cirrhosis.
The skin turns yellow: If your skin and nails turn yellow, consult a medical professional immediately if there is any problem during this time.
Lack of appetite: Appetite decreases due to liver cirrhosis. Even if you don't eat anything, you won't feel hungry. I don't feel like eating anything. Check your liver function if this happens frequently.
Extreme fatigue: In a condition such as liver cirrhosis, the liver is badly damaged. The patient's liver does not function properly. There will be a lot of fatigue and lethargy.
Swelling in the body – Itching: Swelling and itching in the body can also indicate liver cirrhosis. This can change the situation drastically.
Nausea – Vomiting: Due to liver-related problems, the patient may also have poor digestion of food, sometimes nausea and vomiting.
Abdominal pain: Mild pain or discomfort on the liver in the upper right side of the abdomen or belly button. And often with pain in the stomach. If you see such symptoms. It is advisable to consult a doctor immediately.
Weight loss: Sudden weight loss without trying. Muscle damage and weakness. Muscle cramps are also said to be symptoms of liver cirrhosis.
(Note: The health information and instructions provided to you here are only for your understanding and it is advisable to take the advice of your personal physicians before following them.)
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