Ways to Control Your Diabetes Breath

Several important habits, such as maintaining regular dental hygiene, brushing teeth at least twice a day, and using mouthwash to keep breath fresh, are necessary to manage bad breath. (Shot from Shutterstock)

Ways to Control Your Diabetes Breath

Beyond merely your dental hygiene practices, your breath can disclose more. A fragrance that is fruity or acetone-like could indicate a significant problem. Diabetic breath is the term used to describe this peculiar smell that indicates unchecked or poorly controlled diabetes. Diabetes has an impact on how the body regulates blood sugar levels, and uncontrolled diabetes can result in elevated blood sugar levels, which may cause other health issues. Although many people think that diabetes breath cannot be identified early, doctors say that it can be treated quickly and with noticeable signs.

"If you are conscious about your well-being and cautious about changes in your body, then it is possible to identify, monitor, manage, and control diabetic breath without facing any of the severe consequences," says Redcliffe Labs chief pathologist Dr. Mayanka Lodha Seth.

The severity of the health concerns is further increased by the fact that there are a number of myths regarding diabetic breath and that people just accept online advice without first contacting their specialists. Diabetes-related bad breath resulting from other causes, such as dry mouth, can develop suddenly and quickly, according to Dr. Seth, who spoke to Indian Express.

Body metabolic processes are the cause of fruity or diabetic breath. Certain molecules that are released as food and fats break down can give off an odd fragrance when you breath. Bad breath is caused by a variety of factors. First of all, diabetes can cause diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), dry mouth, and an increased risk of periodontal disease. However, certain medications used to treat diabetes may also have adverse effects that exacerbate bad breath.

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