The majority of workers in informal businesses are employed in retail and apparel.
According to MoSPI, there has been a 7.2% increase in the usage of the internet for entrepreneurial reasons, showing a strong rate of digitalization in the industry.

According to the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) on Friday, the Annual Survey of Unincorporated Enterprises (ASUSE) for 2021–22 and 2022–23 revealed that the top activity categories in the informal sector and the ones that employed the greatest number of workers among informal enterprises were retail trade, manufacturing of wearing apparel, and community, social, and personal services.
The overall number of informal sector establishments grew by 5.88 percent annually, from 5.97 crore in 2021–2022 to 6.50 crore in 2022–2023. According to the MoSPI announcement, the other services sector had the largest percentage of establishments overall in ASUSE 2022–2023—37.88 percent. Trade and manufacturing came in second and third, respectively, with 34.71 and 27.41 percent of all establishments. Additional retail sales
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