National Maritime Day | May 22

Celebrate National Maritime Day on May 22 with our comprehensive guide!

National Maritime Day | May 22

Celebrate the Legacy: National Maritime Day

Each year on May 22nd, National Maritime Day celebrates the start of the maritime industry in the United States. The day also honors America’s Merchant Marines for their contributions and sacrifices. Special recognition is given to ships and sailors that have played a key role in our nation’s history.


As one of the oldest industries, its traditions create a rich history. Celebrations and ceremonies across the country honor the people our maritime nation relies on. Each year, the Department of Transportation holds a national ceremony in Washington D.C. at its headquarters.

While the holiday remembers a transatlantic event, the U.S. maritime industry includes almost every state, with workers transporting vessels on lakes, rivers, and oceans. Jobs aren't limited to shipyards. The maritime industry also needs workers skilled in fishing, aquaculture, processing, diving, and transportation, among others.


Join a local celebration. Learn more about maritime history and the people in the industry. Share your knowledge and experiences too. You can read a book, watch a documentary, or visit a maritime museum.

The Forgotten Heroes by Brian Herbert Patriots and Heroes by Gerald Reminick The Sea and Civilization: A Maritime History of the World by Lincoln P Paine The Men Who Sailed The Liberty Ships - a documentary by PBS Council of American Maritime Museums list of maritime museums by state Give a shoutout to someone you know in the maritime industry using #NationalMaritimeDay on social media.


On May 20, 1933, Congress approved Public Resolution No. 7 designating May 22, 1933, as National Maritime Day, commemorating the first successful transoceanic voyage from the United States. On May 22, 1819, the steamship The Savannah set sail from Savannah, Georgia to England.

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