Managing career and self-care: Crucial mental health advice for long-term success

Mental health advice on how people can succeed in their careers and prioritize self-care in today's environment.

Managing career and self-care: Crucial mental health advice for long-term success

A successful work might seem like an unending pursuit in today's complicated and demanding world, leaving little to no time or energy for personal well-being. People frequently believe that taking care of their mental health is selfish in the frenzy of meetings, deadlines, and peer pressure, yet maintaining and giving priority to one's mental health is not only necessary for a happy existence, but also for long-term professional advancement.

Do you ever wonder how people in this day and age manage to balance a successful profession with self-care? The CEO and founder of BabyOrgano, Riddhi Sharma, stated in an interview that "the entire concept of self-care is fairly new to India." But since the pandemic, there has been a rise in people's attention to and interest in self-care. Achieving a work-life balance can be extremely difficult, especially in India, because of the country's conventional gender norms and social expectations.

Research indicates that 34% of women quit their jobs because of problems with work-life balance. This figure emphasizes the serious effects that poor self-care habits may have on people at work. "Neglecting self-care can have negative effects on both personal well-being and the professional sphere," stated Riddhi Sharma. Therefore, in my opinion, creating a culture of self-care within companies is crucial to attracting and keeping varied talent as well as fostering inclusive growth. Entrepreneurs may establish work cultures that foster personal and professional growth for all employees by giving priority to self-care initiatives like mental health assistance, flexible work schedules, and parental leave policies.

The founder of Novamax Appliances, Harshit Agarwal, asserts that working hard and being dedicated are not enough to succeed in one's job. He made the following suggestion: "Practicing self-care techniques like mindfulness, physical activity, and healthy eating can favorably improve one's well-being leading to a successful career. But self-care is more than just looking after your outward needs. Treating and resolving emotional scars, past traumas, and limiting beliefs that might be preventing you from realizing your full potential is an essential part of internal healing. These inner obstacles, which can take many different forms, including imposter syndrome, self-doubt, or fear of failing, can seriously hinder our ability to advance professionally and succeed in our careers.

As a result, it's critical to heal yourself on the inside and outside as doing so will support your career goals by enabling you to adopt new, better coping mechanisms and mentalities.

Long-term health concerns include a compromised immune system, weight-related disorders, recurrent infections, and a host of chronic diseases can result from neglecting self-care. Therefore, it's critical to address both internal and external hurdles to success in the long run.

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