How to Help Strays Out in Storm and Save Lives!

Helping strays out in stormy weather is a crucial act of kindness that every pet lover can participate in. In this video, we'll explore the most effective ways to help strays out in storm conditions, including practical tips and heartwarming rescue stories.

How to Help Strays Out in Storm and Save Lives!

 Help Strays During the Storm: Pet Lovers

Kolkata: Animal lovers in Kolkata are asking people not to chase away stray dogs and cats looking for shelter during Cyclone Remal. They are giving food, shelter, and medical help to the strays in need.

Amid preparations for Cyclone Remal, an appeal from animal lovers is circulating widely on social media, asking people not to turn away stray dogs and cats seeking refuge. Some pet owners in the city have already opened their balconies to shelter the strays during the cyclone.

The appeal says that strays have the right to live, so don’t force them to die.

To help strays facing tough conditions after the cyclone hits, animal lovers have set up waterproof covers, stored food, and prepared towels and antiseptic medicines for them.

Some NGOs are also making arrangements for strays in the city. For example, Susmita Roy, who runs an NGO and animal hospital in Maheshtala, said, “Since Saturday, we have opened the ground floor of our hospital for the strays. I moved a dog to the Remal-special shelter in the clinic after finding it under my parked car. Our team will go around the city to rescue affected strays.”

Somdutta Bhattacharya, a second-year M.A. student from north Kolkata, said, “I have my balcony ready for them. I’ve set up towels, cardboard boxes, and blankets for street dogs or cats that come to my house for shelter. I also have a bowl of fresh water and dry food for them. I have a medical kit at home to treat any wounds they might have.”

Pratim Chowdhury, a Salt Lake resident, said, “I have put up a plastic sheet in my house's yard. Instead of chasing away the strays, people should contact NGOs and send them to animal shelters.”

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