Ayurvedic Secrets to Maintaining Health During Monsoon

Ayurvedic Tips for Transitioning from Severe Heat Waves to the Monsoon Season (Varsha Ritu)

Ayurvedic Secrets to Maintaining Health During Monsoon

Ayurveda provides valuable insights for transitioning from severe heat waves to the monsoon season. Referred to as Varsha Ritu in Ayurveda, this period necessitates adherence to specific guidelines called Ritucharya. Governed by the Mahabhuta (elements) of Prithvi (earth) and Agni (fire), Varsha Ritu tends to weaken the Jatharagni (digestive fire), often leading to pitta-related issues and compromised digestion and metabolic functions.

To promote healthy digestion during Varsha Ritu, it is recommended to opt for a diet that avoids raw foods and prioritizes warm, freshly cooked meals.

Incorporating ingredients like ginger and lemon can provide extra support for digestive wellness. At CGH Earth's Ayurvedic treatment centers, Kalari Rasayana in Kollam and Kalari Kovilakom in Palakkad, our Vaidyas (Doctors) focus on holistic and preventive therapies. These treatments are personalized to suit individual constitutions, lifestyles, diets, and daily routines, addressing health issues and fostering overall well-being during transitional periods.

In the monsoon season, there's a rise in vata dosha and an accumulation of pitta dosha, potentially disrupting the body's balance. This buildup of pitta dosha notably affects the digestive system, causing sluggishness and weakness, ultimately resulting in indigestion. It's advised to avoid foods that can worsen these doshas. Sour (amla) taste dominates during this time, so it's beneficial to opt for foods with a sour and salty taste (Lavana).

Sweet and unctuous foods are also encouraged. CGH Earth Experience Wellness centers enjoy global renown for their Ayurvedic curative programs, fostering holistic well-being for both body and mind. These programs prioritize balanced diets that aid digestion, complemented by self-care, guided therapies, yoga, and meditation practices. Tailored for individuals aiming to fortify the body's innate ability to adapt to seasonal changes and prevent imbalances, these programs offer a comprehensive array of treatments. Doctor Firoz Varun, Chief Physician of Kalari Rasayana, highlights, "The monsoon, or rainy season, is particularly favorable for various Ayurvedic treatments."

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