"Ande ka funda" delves deeply into the history and ubiquity of eggs in India

Naturally, not all is well with eggs, considering how frequently state governments remove eggs from school midday meal programs on the grounds that they are not vegetarian. This raises the question: Were eggs a common food in India always?

"Ande ka funda" delves deeply into the history and ubiquity of eggs in India

I've learned about the most distinctive historical and cultural impacts on the selection of ingredients and dishes that are regarded staples in India throughout the years, having visited innumerable local kitchens and observed the culinary customs and habits of various civilizations.

The purpose of this column is to discuss some of these findings and provide answers to queries such as: Is tea more Indian or British? Why is yoghurt not used in most communities' cooking? Did Indians always eat eggs, tomatoes, and onions? Why is paneer used in desserts just by Bengal (how could I possibly keep Bengal out!) and when did we ever discover how to prepare paneer?

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