Hyderabad: This is lollira sami.. He was intoxicated without drinking alcohol. If you cut it.!

The youth are getting agitated day by day. We don't know if it's the impact of social media or the effect of movies, but there's no stopping the hooligans. It is difficult to understand what to say when you see that even people of the age who do not have proper common sense are behaving as if they are great.

Hyderabad: This is lollira sami.. He was intoxicated without drinking alcohol. If you cut it.!

The youth are getting agitated day by day. We don't know if it's the impact of social media or the effect of movies, but there's no stopping the hooligans. It is difficult to understand what to say when you see that even people of the age who do not have proper common sense are behaving as if they are great. Recently, a similar incident took place in and around Charminar, the old city of Hyderabad.

A dispute arose due to alcohol among some young men who did not even cross the age of puberty properly. You wanted to have fun with the medicine.. The panchayat was placed on the road. A young man refused to drink the drug with his friends. No, you insisted on making us drink. It grew up and became a big controversy. There was an uproar between friends who were forced to drink alcohol. This led to a fight with each other while everyone was watching on the road in the Charminar area. He scolded his own friends for the sake of alcohol without even looking at them. The police swung into action while the scuffle was going on.

The family members of the young men also became a part of it as if it didn't stop here. The quarrel between the children was further compounded by the involvement of adults as well. The incident took place in a crowded area where people used to move, causing a lot of trouble. It has become more difficult for vehicles to go. The police held heads to bring the scuffle to a standstill without causing any trouble to anyone. The police tried hard to pacify the dispute.

In the meantime.. This is not the only incident. In the recent past, the youth have been repeatedly rushing to the charminar areas of the old city, drinking alcohol and harassing road commuters. No matter how many times the police have been tough on such incidents, there seems to be no stopping. Recently, a few days ago, a video of a youth drinking liquor near the Mecca Masjid in Charminar went viral on social media, posing a challenge to the police system. Locals and motorists are questioning the police for not taking proper action on such incidents. The latest liquor dispute has caused concern in the old city. People who are getting to know about such incidents through social media are criticizing where the youth is going.

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